EAT - Birdbath Bakery
Sustainability means different things to different people. For instance, I sustain myself mostly on coffee and cookies, but so rarely does that consumption actually help Mother Earth. That's where Birdbath , the green bakery, comes in. Here you can indulge your cafeine and sugar addictions while contributing to the betterment of our planet, and you barely even know you're doing it. If you struggle with wanting to eat everything in a bakery, Birdbath is for you. In this top-to-bottom green sustainability hub, eating literally everything entirely possible. The walls are made of wheat, the cups are made of corn, the countertops and shelves are made of presumably-edible recycled paper, and not unlike the lickable wallpaper of Willy Wonka's nightmare/candy factory, the paint on the walls is made from - you guessed it - milk proteins. But more importantly, the walls are also lined with cookies. Like, on shelves. Real, edible cookies. Oh my god, the cookies. I cou...